No cancellation charge, etc. if canceled and if:
Limo orange county cancellation charges vary, depending on, how close to the pick-up time it was canceled.
Cancellation Time / Cancellation Charge
* Percentages apply to the base rate only, i.e., they do not apply to the gratuity, tax, etc.
* The largest applicable percentage predominates (over any other applicable percentage.)
** None of the above Cancellation Charge Exemptions apply to a "No Show" case.
A "No Show" is defined as when passenger and chauffeur do not meet as scheduled and the passenger does not immediately call from the pick-up area to inquire about the car.
Booking a ride closer than 2 hours to its pick-up time, assumes the 75% cancellation charge liability immediately after the booking is completed.
Booking a ride closer than 24 hours to its pick-up time, assumes the 50% cancellation charge liability an hour after the booking.
Booking a ride closer than 72 hours to its pick-up time, assumes the 25% cancellation charge liability an hour after the booking.
Created by OC Sedan limo orange county: 05/14/1998
This cancellation policy is posted on the Internet at limo orange county website:®
All Rights Reserved | OC Sedan