Cancellation Policy

No cancellation charge, etc. if canceled and if:

  • Canceled within an hour of the booking.
  • Canceled within an hour of faxing our first confirmation (when faxed confirmation requested.)
  • Canceled 72 hours (3 days) or more before the scheduled pick-up time.
  • Booked by or for passengers who have used our service once before.
  • Booked by travel agents who have used our service twice in the last two years.
  • Booked by organizations, event or travel planners who have used our service twice in the last two years.

Limo orange county cancellation charges vary, depending on, how close to the pick-up time it was canceled.

Cancellation Time / Cancellation Charge

  • Not Canceled ( No Show) / 100%
  • Closer than 2 hours to the pick-up time / 75%
  • Closer than 24 hours to the pick-up time / 50%
  • Closer than 72 hours (3 days) to the pick-up time / 25%

* Percentages apply to the base rate only, i.e., they do not apply to the gratuity, tax, etc.

* The largest applicable percentage predominates (over any other applicable percentage.)

** None of the above Cancellation Charge Exemptions apply to a "No Show" case.

A "No Show" is defined as when passenger and chauffeur do not meet as scheduled and the passenger does not immediately call from the pick-up area to inquire about the car.

Booking a ride closer than 2 hours to its pick-up time, assumes the 75% cancellation charge liability immediately after the booking is completed.

Booking a ride closer than 24 hours to its pick-up time, assumes the 50% cancellation charge liability an hour after the booking.

Booking a ride closer than 72 hours to its pick-up time, assumes the 25% cancellation charge liability an hour after the booking.

Created by OC Sedan limo orange county: 05/14/1998
This cancellation policy is posted on the Internet at limo orange county website:®

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